President of PAMA SA's Welcome
In 2008 Marlene Mouton of A⁺Students (Pty)Ltd was invited by the Chairman of PAMA Liao Cheng Hui, to join the PAMA Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Competition in Chennai India 2008 .
In 2010 Marlene Mouton was Appointed President of PAMA South Africa.
During 2012 the Non-Profit Organization PAMA South Africa was established
Marlene Mouton
Entrepreneur, Founder and Chairwoman of A+Students Holding
The Origin of PAMA World Association
Liao Cheng Hui
Chairman | Area: Taiwan , R.O.C.
Mr. Chang Jong-Wei
Chairman The TCOC
World Association of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic has been founded in Beijing on October 28, 2002 uniting global and regional efforts from Taiwan, Mainland China, Japan, Korea, the United States, Singapore, Malaysia, Kingdom of Tonga, Thailand, Brunei to name a few.
And a symposium for voting in the World Abacus and Mental Arithmetic assessment criteria and correspondence contest measure has been called upon on December 16, 2003 designating August 8 as the “World Abacus Day, a day that all countries around the world would stage celebratory activities, work together to reviving abacus and mental arithmetic learning trend in excelling the development of the abacus and mental arithmetic enterprise.
The Purpose of PAMA
Through invitation for gathering abacus elites under one roof, an united effort is sought to explore the IQ enhancing yield that abacus/mental calculation aptitude could offer through stepping up the exchange within the abacus sector, mirroring abacus skills of one another, as well as solidifying a consensus in the abacus field to excel the sector’s development and prosperity, and to globalize the craft of abacus worldwide by deep-rooting the venture in Taiwan for global outreach
The Taiwan Chamber of Commerce, also known as TCOC, is a independent, non-profit organization of leading commercial firms, business associations, and businessmen in the Republic of China (Taiwan).
PAMA South Africa
PAMA South Africa as a non-profit Organization is providing a platform and an opportunity for South African children to match their Abacus and Mental Maths skills against those of their peers from other countries in the world. Through these Annual Competition all over the world the students horizons will be broadened and your character strengthened through your interaction with other people. An opportunity of this nature comes to a very special few in our country and it is hoped that they will treasure this experience for the rest of your life.
Through the gathering of abacus elites under one roof, an united effort is sought to explore the IQ enhancing yield that abacus/mental calculation aptitude could offer through stepping up the exchange within the abacus sector, mirroring abacus skills of one another, as well as solidifying a consensus in the abacus field to excel the sector’s development and prosperity, and to globalize the craft of the abacus worldwide. Abacus education has a proven international record to stimulate the mathematical urge in children. Well taught kids will enjoy practicing mathematics with more ease.
PAMA South Africa is recognized by Taiwan Chamber of Commerce, Government of Taiwan. PAMA-South Africa finds unrecognized, unapproved Institutes a source of concern, since they lack the knowledge and exposure in the field of teaching abacus and are misguiding and misleading the educational institutions; school; children and parents. Improper and unscientific teaching of best Abacus Maths can lead to negative results in the exposure, attitude and development of children and students. Children will at no point learn the real effect of abacus education without guidance.
PAMA South Africa finds that the unrecognized institutions are using this noble field as a treasure to make quick money and gain, thereby putting the young mind, exposure and skill at risk. These unrecognized institutions are unable to provide quality abacus education and never follow internationally prescribed syllabus which results in improper teaching and practice.
The advantages of abacus education is a golden goose and should not be discredited because of unrecognized and unauthorized institutions. PAMA South Africa has taken the initiative to alert and guide the educational institutions, schools, parents and children to think wisely before encouraging unrecognized and unauthorized institutions from delivering this service. This will effectively prevent negative results, bad experience and wrong opinions about the abacus educational system. PAMA South Africa advises educational institutes, schools, parents and children to verify the credentials and the past records of the abacus institutions before making a decision to join their children in such institutions. The educational Institutes, Schools who had encouraged such unrecognized and unnamed Institutes are also welcome to use this opportunity to reorganize so as to provide high quality, internationally recognized system of abacus teaching, since the same will glitter the students mathematical ability and exposure.
PAMA South Africa has been formed to impart true and scientific effects of abacus education to children and to give guidance about the systematic way of learning methods in abacus education.
PAMA-South Africa has the internationally recognized and authorized syllabus and infrastructure facilities and support to provide assistance to the educational Institutions and Schools to cater their abacus education related requirements.
ANZAN: Is the Japanese word for MENTAL ARITHMETIC.
We imagine the abacus with our right brain and use our fingers to calculate FAST!